Gillies Meadow is perfectly located within close proximity to a range of amenities that include local supermarket, healthcare provisions, golf club, hairdressers, coffee shop, and excellent local schools. Rooksdown enjoys a great setting, living here you can enjoy great tree lined surroundings with woodland walks and become part of a vibrant local community. By road, the nearby M3 provides an excellent link to London and the South Coast, and the A339 offers links to Newbury. Basingstoke train station provides regular fast train services to many destinations.
NB. The information provided about this property does not constitute or form part of an offer or contract, nor may be it be regarded as representations. All interested parties must verify accuracy and your solicitor must verify fixtures & fittings and, where the property has been extended/converted, planning/building regulation consents. All dimensions are approximate and quoted for guidance only as are floor plans which are not to scale and their accuracy cannot be confirmed. Reference to appliances and/or services does not imply that they are necessarily in working order or fit for the purpose.